A downloadable game

To start the game open the "MainMenu" scene

code uses VContainer, UniTask, and DoTween.

required unity version: 2022.3.5f1

Prototype entry for "Pass the Game Challenge GameJam 2023" Day1:  https://itch.io/jam/day-1


PasstheGameChallengeJAM1Entry.zip 3 MB


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Hello! I tried my best to do everything I could in 12 hours of my time, I hope it turned out great.

I continued this for day 4: https://cosmictentgames.itch.io/pizzaed

Expanded for day 4!: Pizza-ed! [BTP, Day 4, Unity] by ceprotypes (itch.io)

Hi! I really liked your entry, and expanded it for day 3!